Thursday, July 12, 2012

Libya political party leader calls for unity

Libyans light up a flare Saturday, July 7, in Benghazi as they celebrate the country's first free national election in decades after the ouster of dictator Moammar Gadhafi.Libyans light up a flare Saturday, July 7, in Benghazi as they celebrate the country's first free national election in decades after the ouster of dictator Moammar Gadhafi.
A man casts his vote at a Tripoli voting station on Saturday during Libya's General National Assembly election.A man casts his vote at a Tripoli voting station on Saturday during Libya's General National Assembly election.
A Libyan woman casts her ballot at a Benghazi polling station.A Libyan woman casts her ballot at a Benghazi polling station.
A Libyan woman shows her inked finger after casting her ballot at a polling station in Benghazi during Libya's General National Assembly election on Saturday.A Libyan woman shows her inked finger after casting her ballot at a polling station in Benghazi during Libya's General National Assembly election on Saturday.
A woman prepares to cast her ballot at a Tripoli polling station.A woman prepares to cast her ballot at a Tripoli polling station.
Two Libyan election workers embrace after voting ends at a Tripoli polling station.Two Libyan election workers embrace after voting ends at a Tripoli polling station.
A Libyan man marks his ballot at a polling station in Tripoli.A Libyan man marks his ballot at a polling station in Tripoli.
Election workers count votes at a polling station during the election Saturday in Benghazi.Election workers count votes at a polling station during the election Saturday in Benghazi.
Libyan election workers start the ballot-counting process at a Tripoli polling station during Libya's General National Assembly.Libyan election workers start the ballot-counting process at a Tripoli polling station during Libya's General National Assembly.
After casting her ballot, a Libyan woman leaves a polling station in Tripoli.After casting her ballot, a Libyan woman leaves a polling station in Tripoli.
Election officials begin sorting ballots at a polling station in Tajura following Libya's General National Assembly election.Election officials begin sorting ballots at a polling station in Tajura following Libya's General National Assembly election.
A Libyan election official opens a ballot box at a Tajura polling station.A Libyan election official opens a ballot box at a Tajura polling station.
A window at this Benghazi polling station was broken by a protester demanding greater representation.A window at this Benghazi polling station was broken by a protester demanding greater representation.
Libyan protesters wave pistols and peace signs.Libyan protesters wave pistols and peace signs.
A voter goes through a security checkpoint outside a polling station in the Abu Slim neighbourhood of Tripoli.A voter goes through a security checkpoint outside a polling station in the Abu Slim neighbourhood of Tripoli.
A man casts his ballot at an Abu Slim polling station near Tripoli.A man casts his ballot at an Abu Slim polling station near Tripoli.
Libyan protesters gather around burned ballot boxes and election materials outside a polling station in Benghazi. They are demanding greater representation during the voting process.Libyan protesters gather around burned ballot boxes and election materials outside a polling station in Benghazi. They are demanding greater representation during the voting process.
A Libyan protester throws torn ballots in the air outside a Benghazi polling station.A Libyan protester throws torn ballots in the air outside a Benghazi polling station.
Libyan election workers check the identification card of a voter at a Tripoli polling station.Libyan election workers check the identification card of a voter at a Tripoli polling station.
Libyans celebrate in Tripoli's Martyrs' Square after voting for the Libyan General National Assembly.Libyans celebrate in Tripoli's Martyrs' Square after voting for the Libyan General National Assembly.
  • Libya's political parties need to form a consensus, leading politician says
  • Mahmoud Jabril says all parties will have a chance to be part of a new start
  • Libya has struggle to emerge from the shadow of longtime ruler Moammar Gadhafi
  • About 60% of voters took part in elections for 200-member parliament

(CNN) -- The leader of the party expected to win the first election in Libya in 42 years said Thursday that it is vital for Islamists, liberals and secularists to "sit around one table" and form a new government.

Mahmoud Jabril, head of the National Forces Alliance, told CNN's Christiane Amanpour that consensus will help legitimize the government in a nation where the people seek a restoration of order.

"I think the biggest challenge right now is to convince our potential partners, especially the Islamist forces, that now it's time that we sit around one table and talk about one destiny that is in the interest of the Libyan people," he said from Tripoli. "It has nothing to do with who prevails in those elections or those who do not prevail."

The liberal National Force Alliance led Thursday in 12 of 15 districts, according to results posted on the Libyan elections commission website.

Jabril said the current absence of a civic structure in the North African nation means people of all political ideologies can be part of a new government and its 200-seat parliament.

"It's an opportunity that all parties, all political forces can have a new start where all of them can participate and take part in the reestablishment of the state," he said.

What's next for Libya after elections?

Jabril, former prime minister of the National Transition Council and one of the most influential politicians in Libya, would not say if he would seek a higher office in the new government.

Libya's road to democracy

"What matters to me is the effectiveness of my role," he said. "If I can contribute to the national interests of my country, I will not hesitate. But if there is a role where I cannot do anything within that role, then I will not take part."

Libya election success despite extremism

He suggested that being an aide to the president or prime minister might suit him. A consultant can have as much influence on those offices, he said.

Some critics have said the U.S-educated Jabril is too secular.

"I am a true Muslim, but I have nothing to do with ideology," he said.

According to the Project on Middle East Democracy, the National Forces alliance is a coalition of 58 political parties that campaigned as a "more liberal, progressive option" in the election. The party's platform focused heavily on economic issues, according to the Project on Middle East Democracy.

Jabril said the message resonated with the voters, who just want some stability and a chance to start a new life.

Since the 2011 revolt that toppled longtime ruler Moammar Gadhafi, Libya has struggled to emerge from his shadow. The mercurial Gadhafi dismantled many of the civic institutions common to democratic states during his 42 years in power.

About 3,500 candidates ran for the new parliament, and turnout was about 60% of the country's 2.8 million registered voters, election commission Chairman Nuri Khalifa Al-Abbar said this week.

It will take weeks or even months for the winners to form an effective coalition government, said Fadel Lamen, president of the American-Libyan Council.

The parliamentary vote is a litmus test for Libya in the post-Gadhafi era. Balloting took place 17 months after political demonstrations against Gadhafi broke out in two Libyan cities. Those demonstrations spread, leading to a civil war, NATO airstrikes and Gadhafi's death by a bullet to the head in October.

While Gadhafi's death ended much of the violence, unrest continues in parts of the country, particularly the south and the west, and the government has not been able to completely contain the militias that helped overthrow the former leader.

Once seated, the national assembly will appoint a transitional government and craft a constitution.

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